



2024-07-22 08:27:17 来源:网络


求《godisagirl》歌词?大神们帮帮忙 -
God Is A Girl歌词,翻译,一句对着一句的 remembering me discover and see all over the world 记得我在全世界寻找而领悟 she's known as a girl to those who a free 她是一个想得到自由的女孩 the mind shall be key forgotten as the past 思想将被封锁,忘记过去 cause history 是什么。
《godisagirl》是由Groove Goverage唱。歌词(中英对照)歌曲:上帝是个女孩《godisagirl》歌手:groove coverage乐队remembering me,discover and see all over the world,记得我在世界上寻找而发现she's known as a girl to those who a free,她是一个想要得到自由的女孩the mind shall be key f希望你能满意。


急寻求一首英文歌 -
我很喜欢God is a girl.上帝是个女孩。Remembering me,Discover and see All over the world,She's known as a girl To those who a free,The mind shall be key Forgotten as the past 'Cause history will last God is a girl,Wherever you are,Do you believe it,can you recieve it?G有帮助请点赞。
Do you believe it, can you receive it?本人提供Groove Coverage的mp3和歌词的高速下载~用的是网易126网盘,下载速度非常快的。下载方法:进入,用户名:lovegc 密码:godisagirl 然后点“登录网盘”就行了。(提醒一下,在里面是可以下载整个文件夹的)Groove Coverage - God Is好了吧!
godisagirl歌词的翻译? -
godisagirl, 上帝是一个女孩whereveryouare, 无论你在何处doyoubelieveitcanyoureceiveit? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? godisagirl, 上帝是一个女孩whateveryousay, 无论你说什么doyoubelieveitcanyoureceiveit? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? godisagirl, 上帝是一个女孩howeveryoulive, 无论你等会说。
歌名:GOD is a girl 歌词:remembering me,discover and see all over the world,shes known as a girl to those who a free,the mind shall be key forgotten as the past cause history will last god is a girl,wherever you are,do you believe it, can you recieve it?god is a girl等会说。
godisagirl歌词谐音 -
瑞慢博瑞米地四卡沃安得四奥楼沃则喔儿的是i 四呢爱子饿个哦图楼速饿佛瑞则慢的少比ki 发哦噶扥爱子则怕四特靠子嘿子特度有吧里为特看有瑞斯五一特瑞伟有啦四特高地搜个欧为爱我哟啊度度有吧里为特看有瑞斯五一特为爱我哟sei 度有吧里为特看有瑞斯五一特高地搜个欧好了吧!
急求简单易学的英文歌曲,适合小学生。 -
适合小学生简单易学的英文歌:big big world trouble is a friend five hundred miles gods is a girl 暂时只能推荐这几首给你,以前小学的时候我经常听。